Große Ideen brauchen Flügel, müssen sich aber auch auf Fußmärsche gefasst machen. Karl-Heinz Karius

The best way to predict the future is to invent it. Alan Kay


Yes we can, Madam …

We can provide IP related consultancy for everyone from individual inventors to large business concerns. This is a worldwide service in almost all technical fields of "commercial protective rights" (also known as IP - Intellectual Property). We specialise in the drafting of patent applications in the areas of electrical engineering, electronics, chemical engineering, mechanics and mechatronics, medical technology, packaging, technically applied software (software patents), computer system technology, chip and semi-conductor technology.

We provide consultancy within "the four corners" of patent law. This also extends to utility models, trade marks and designs.

We draw up professional patent applications, trade mark applications and design applications.

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